Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal assured the contract workers of addressing their demands

Government will provide 27 percent salary hike and conduct a study of regularization process in other states

Chhattisgarh State NHM Employees Union submitted memorandum of their demands

Raipur, 14 March 2024/Health Minister Shri Shyam Bihari Jaiswal has assured the NHM contractual employees of providing 27 percent salary hike. Shri Bihari also assured them that regularization process of other states will be studied and further strategic action will be taken based on outcome.

Women officials of Chhattisgarh State NHM Employees Union met Health Minister Shri Shyam Bihari today at his residence office and submitted their 18-point memorandum. In his response to the memorandum, Health Minister Shri Jaiswal assured that the state government is determined to provide the benefit of 27 percent salary hike to all the contractual employees of the state, including the contractual workers in the health department.

Officials also informed that NHM contractual workers in Tamil Nadu and Manipur are being regularized and they request the same in Chhattisgarh. Upon their request, Health Minister directed the MD of NHM to conduct a study of the regularization process in other states and submit the report. Officials thanked Health Minister Shri Jaiswal for the prompt action.