Arogya Mahua Laddoos pave the path to self-reliance for Gholeng women self-help group

These sugar-free laddoos are available for sale on various online platforms

Raipur 10 July 2023// In Jashpur district, women from the Gholeng women self-help group are paving the path to self-reliance by pursuing their preferred self-employment opportunities. They have ventured into the world of online sales by preparing delicious Mahua laddoos. These handcrafted Arogya Mahua laddoos are available for purchase on and Not only are they a delightful treat for all, but they also contribute to the fight against malnutrition.

To strengthen the rural economy, the Chhattisgarh Government launched the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Industrial Park (RIPA) initiative, establishing RIPAs in villages across the state. Jashpur, known for its abundant forest resources including Mahua, Char, and Chironji has reimagined the use of Mahua, which was traditionally utilized for liquor production. It is now being used to make mouthwatering laddoos, cookies, biscuits, and other food items that offer exceptional health benefits. These Arogya Mahua laddoos produced in Jashpur are made using wild Mahua flowers, desi ghee, jaggery, gond and ashwagandha. These sugar-free laddoos are packed in packets of 15 pieces each, priced at Rs 255 per packet.

Renowned young scientist, Samarth Jain, highlighted the numerous advantages of Mahua laddoos. They serve as an abundant source of essential micronutrients, including iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, and cobalt. Additionally, their consumption helps regulate blood glucose levels, preventing sudden spikes.