IG CRPF Shri  Prakash D., IPS, has conveyed his New Yeargreetings to the people of Chhattisgarh and all the security agencies involved in anti naxal operations in the State. He mentioned that due to admirable cooperation and coordination, CRPF was able to achieve remarkable successes in ops in South Bastar. CRPF men have neutralized 8 hardcore naxals, arrested 300 naxals and due to the consistent efforts of the jawans, 326 naxals have surrendered. The force was able to restrict the naxals into one corner of the State. In the process, many  naxal hideouts were busted and illegal  naxal memorials were destroyed.

                CRPF hassuccessfully established21 new basecamps in the core area of naxals and by this, the people living in these areas have been provided access to developmental activities and government schemes. IG also paid homage to the eight bravehearts who lost their lives during the operations this year and has assured all support and help to the martyrs’ families.

The past one year was remarkable to CG Sector as the personnel have been decoratedwith 3 Shaurya Chakras, 28 Police Medals for Gallantry(PMG), 1 Police Medal for Distinguished Services(PPM), 1 Police Medal for Meritorious Service(PM), 18 Parakram Padak and 125 DG’s Discs.

As part of the welfare measures to the jawans, six Field Hospitals with improved and modern medical infrastructure have been establishedin the interior areas. It is also pertinent to mention that the local public of these  villages  visit these Field Hospitals regularly as CRPF Field Hospitals are the only medical facilities in these areas.

CRPF is acting as a catalyst for infrastructure and developmental activities such as road construction, erection of mobile towers, ruralelectrification, supply ofpotable water, school education, in the violence hit areas.

In addition to the ops duties, CRPF officers and men have contributed tremendously in improving the standard of life of the local populace by conducting regular health camps, literacy camps, skill developmental programmes, training of youth for recruitment rallies, environmental awareness, water conservation, aid to handicapped people etc. The units have planted more than two lakh fifty thousand saplings and this hashelped in increasing the green cover of the State.

CRPF Family Welfare Association (CWA) has conducted various seminars and workshops on different topics such as Beti Bachao, Alternate Energy, Women Empowerment, Self Care, Start Up, Health, Suicide Prevention. Besides these CWA organized online programs for the welfare of families and men.   

The Sector has earned praise from many state/central departments in all the annual/ monthly programs. IG in his review stated that CRPF personnel are working hard to bring peace in the naxal violence hit areas of South bastar.