Betting kingpin Sourabh Chandrakar arrested in UAE after global manhunt


By Mukesh S. Singh


IN A highly prized catch, authorities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have apprehended Sourabh Chandrakar, the masterm i n d behind the infamous M a h a d e v Online Betting App, bringing an end to a multiagency manhunt that spanned years. Chandrakar, once a juice vendor from Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, now faces extradition to India, where he stands accused of running a vast illegal betting operation and laundering over Rs 6000 crore through intricate financial networks. Chandrakar is d e s p e r a t e l y wanted by C h h a t t i s g a r h Police, with 71 cases related to the betting scam lodged in various police stations across State. One additional case has been lodged with the State Economic Offences Investigation and AntiCorruption Bureau (SEOIACB).

Beyond Chhattisgarh, Chandrakar is also wanted in connection with cases registered in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, West Bengal, and other states, with the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and now the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) also hot on his trail. His arrest last week was a well-guarded secret, known only to a handful of top officials from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), ED, and Chhattisgarh Police. The arrest of Chandrakar was made possible through a coordinated effort between multiple agencies, spearheaded by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). Acting on the Red Corner Notice (RCN) issued at the request of the ED through Interpol, UAE authorities apprehendedChandrakarlast week.TheCBI, which serves as India’s National Central Bureau (NCB) forInterpol,waspromptly informedofthe arrest.EDofficials, in coordinationwiththeMinistry of ExternalAffairs (MEA), swiftly submitted all the necessary formalities through diplomatic channels to ensure that Chandrakar remained under detention in Dubai. “This arrest marks a significant breakthrough in our efforts todismantleChandrakar’s illegalnetwork.Our collaboration with the MEA and other diplomatic channels ensured swift action, and now the focus is on expediting his extradition,”asenior ED official told ‘The Hitavada’.

The MEA has engaged in intensive diplomatic discussions with UAE authorities, ensuring that all procedural requirements are met. Meanwhile, the MHA is overseeing the legal aspects of the extradition process, coordinating with the ED and other central agencies. Chandrakar’s arrest also raises questions about his use of a Vanuatu passport, an attempt to obfuscate his identitywhiletravellinginternationally.ThesmallSouthPacific Ocean nation has increasingly become a destination for individuals seeking citizenship-by-investment schemes, a loophole thatChandrakar exploitedto evade detection. Asofnow,theEDhas filedthree chargesheets, andnine outof19accusedhave beenarrested.Chandrakar’sextradition will be a crucial step in unraveling the remaining aspects of this global betting operation. Moreover, the federal agency has, to date, seised assets worth Rs 572.41 crore, including Rs 100 crore in Dubai alone. Thebetting appfirst cameunder scrutiny in2019when itbecame evidentthatChandrakar andUppalwere operating a vast illegal gambling empire.