Union Defense Minister Rajnath Singh accorded a warm welcome upon his arrival at Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai’s residence

Raipur 09 March 2024// Union Defense Minister Shri Rajnath Singh received a warm welcome from Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Deo Sai and his wife, Smt. Kaushalya Sai, upon his arrival at the Chief Minister’s residence in Raipur.

Chief Minister Shri Sai presented Defense Minister Shri Rajnath Singh a shawl and memento. Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly Speaker Dr Raman Singh, MP Shri Sunil Soni, Deputy Chief Ministers Shri Vijay Sharma and Shri Arun Sao, MLAs Shri Kiran Singh Deo, Shri Ajay Chandrakar, and Shri Rajesh Munat, along with Smt. Priyamvada Singh Judev, Shri Rohit Chahar, and other public representatives were also present on the occasion.