One suicide every 4 minutes, depression the main reason : Prof. Ajay Patel 


Korba 11 September . World Suicide Prevention Day was celebrated today on 11th September by Home Science Department of Government Engineer Visvesvaraya Post Graduate College and NSS under the direction of Principal Dr. Sadhna Khare on the theme “Creating Hope through Action”.  He said suicide is a major public health problem with far-reaching social, emotional and economic consequences. 

The objective of this program is to raise awareness and promote community-led participation in suicide prevention.  Program Officer, NSS and Home Science Department Assistant Professor, Ajay Kumar Patel said that according to WHO data, one person commits suicide every 4 minutes.  Every year, more than 8 lakh people commit suicide due to depression, of which 17 percent is in India alone, while an even higher number of people attempt suicide.  Most suicides among youth occur between the ages of 15 and 29, while the number of suicide attempts is much higher.The major causes of youth suicide include Hopeless, Homeless, Jobless, Loneliness, Depression, Social Media obsession etc.  Of the youth who commit suicide every year around the world, 45% are victims of mental health disorders.  The best way for youth to prevent suicide is Talk Therapy, Psychotherapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, apart from this, they should be given proper guidance to make lifestyle changes, be physically active and exhaust themselves, take proper and balanced nutrition, take out me time, those people  Talk to people you like, consider defeat as a challenge, not the end.  Pinky Prajapati, Roshan Ratnakar, Roshan Das Mahant, Shubhangi Sao, Rani Sao, Arbaaz Khan, Om Kumar Bhupendra Das, Hemwati Sidar, Prabha Rathia, Mukesh from the Home Science Department and active youth Nikhil Sahu, Humanshu, from the Home Science Department were instrumental in making the program successful.  Vinay, Laluram, Harsh etc. had commendable cooperation.  At the end of the program, the youth were given an oath that through various awareness activities, they will work with the youth club to make the college and rural youth aware and connect them with the mainstream of the society.