Namita got new life in Siddhivinayak Hospital

korba, Kumari Namita Kanwar, a resident of village Dhong Da Raha Bhains Ma, got a new life from the treatment of the hospital at Siddhivinayak Hospital, Kosa Bari. Mentioning the whole incident, the director of the hospital, Dr. Shatdal Nath said that Miss Namita Kanvwar, a student of class 11, was facing difficulty in walking since childhood due to crooked legs. Relatives told that Namita is a promising girl. who got distinction in four subjects in class X board examination, but due to crooked leg and unable to walk, his future seemed dark. In such a situation, the relatives of the patient went to many hospitals for consultation because the curvature was very high, 25 to 30 degrees, to straighten it was a challenge in itself. In the same vein, the relatives of the patient consulted Dr. Shatdal Nath, an orthopedic specialist at Siddhivinayak Hospital, and explained the condition of the patient. Accepting this challenge, Dr. Shatdal and his team decided to undergo an operation to cure the patient because the curvature of the legs was quite severe. An action plan was prepared to correct it. First of all, the curvature of the legs was measured by scanogram and accordingly surgery was planned, according to the action plan, it was decided to do open wedge femoral osteotomy in both the legs. Which then had to be connected with the help of a locking plate. Under the action plan, the operation lasted for about 4 hours and both the legs of the patient were straightened. Presently the patient is recovering well and in about 6 to 8 weeks the patient will be able to walk and run with his straight leg. Dr. Nath gave credit to his team, whose tireless hard work made the operation go smoothly. Dr. Nath expressed his happiness that such a complex operation could be done in Korba and he could do such challenging operation, for which he was inspired by his mother, Smt Satinath.