Success Story : Mahatma Gandhi Rural Industrial Park: Unleashing economic opportunities for rural women in Dantewada

Dantewada 13 July 2023// In a significant move aimed at empowering rural women and promoting their financial independence, the state government has introduced the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Industrial Park (RIPA) scheme. This initiative focuses on providing support, financial assistance, and opportunities for self-reliance to women’s groups in rural areas. By engaging in small-scale industries, these women are making valuable contributions to the income of their families.

Under this scheme, eight Mahatma Gandhi Rural Industrial Parks (RIPAs) have been established across the Dantewada district. Women groups and youth associated with Rajiv Yuva Mitan Club are actively involved in the production of chikki in Bade Karli RIPA. The sale of these delicious sweet treats will take place in local markets and these Chikkis will also be used in eight projects being run under the ‘Suposhan Abhiyan’ (Nutrition Campaign) of the Women and Child Development Department. Remarkably, an impressive quantity of 25,665 pieces of chikki, worth Rs 1,53,990, has already been supplied for the Badegudra and Geedam projects thus far.

Through the implementation of RIPA, housewives are setting an inspiring example of independence by assuming various roles and becoming self-reliant. Their unwavering belief in the power of hard work, dedication, and self-confidence serves as a testament that anything can be achieved. These women expressed their heartfelt gratitude towards the state government and district administration for their unwavering support and assistance. At the state level, concerted efforts are underway to empower women through employment and entrepreneurship, allowing them to make independent financial decisions.