Women self-help group have earned an income of Rs 9 lakh 19 thousand 882 through various livelihood activities of gauthan

Activities like vegetable farming, vermicompost production and poultry farming have turned into profitable trades for the associated self-help group

Women self help group of Thuthapali village in Mahasamund have set an example with their success

Raipur 25 May 2023/ The members of Lakshmi Women Self Help Group, village Thuthapali, formed in development block Basna of Mahasamund district, have written a new chapter of economic prosperity through their association with gauthan. 10 members of the group have significantly improved their economic condition through livelihood activities such as vermicompost production, vegetable cultivation and poultry farming. They have set a striking example of self-reliance and success through hard work. In this gauthan of village Thuthapali, the 10 members of Lakshmi Self-Help Group procured a total of 5392.09 quintals of dung since the year 2019-20, which they utilized to produce 802.00 quintals of super compost manure and 1296.80 quintals of vermicompost manure i.e. a total of 2098.80 quintals of manure.
Against the 40% standard rate of Chhattisgarh Government, nearly 37.83 percent of the manure has been produced by the members of Lakshmi Mahila Self Help Group. For which, they received the dividend amount of Rs. 6 lakh 23 thousand 32.

Besides the vermi compost production, the members of Lakshmi Women Self Help Group are also earning a good income from vegetable farming and poultry farming. An income of Rs 34 thousand 450 has been generated from vegetable production and of Rs 2 lakh 62 thousand 400 from poultry farming. In this way the group has earned a total income of Rs 9 lakh 19 thousand 882.

Because of their involvement in the aforementioned activities, the self-help group has received an amount of Rs. 15 thousand from circular fund and Rs. 60 thousand from community investment fund and a loan amount of Rs. 2 lakh 50 thousand through bank credit linkage, which they are investing in various income-oriented activities. Members of Lakshmi women self-help groups said that before joining “Bihan” and Gauthan, they were confined to household chores. Gauthan and Bihan has not only given them new means of livelihood but has also transformed their economic condition.