Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel honored with a Doctorate degree by the prestigious University of France

World-famous Sorbonne University of France awarded the Chief Minister with a Doctorate for his special initiative of advancing the rural economy

Chief Minister attended the ‘Global Awards 2023’ program of France

This honor is for everyone who empowered Chhattisgarh with their labour: Chief Minister

Former Scientist of ISRO Suresh Kumar called him a ‘Scientific Chief Minister’

Raipur, 29 April / Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel was awarded a Doctorate by the renowned Sorbonne University of Paris for his unique initiative to develop Chhattisgarh’s rural economy through the use of limited and local resources. Chief Minister Mr. Baghel attended the ‘Global Awards 2023’ program of Sorbonne University of Paris, France, organized by the Shri Aurobindo Foundation at Hotel Sayaji in Raipur. On this occasion, former ISRO scientist Mr. Suresh Kumar, Professor of Sorbonne University Dr. Vivek, Director of Shri Aurobindo Yoga and Knowledge Foundation Dr. Samarendra Ghosh, Dr. B.K. Sthapak, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, and Dr. Vinay Agrawal were also present. Mrs. Mukteshwari Baghel, the wife of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel, and her family members also participated in the program.

In his address, Chief Minister Mr. Baghel expressed his gratitude to Sorbonne University for recognizing the development programs of the Chhattisgarh Government and conferring an Honorary Doctorate on him. He attributed the award not only to himself but also to the public representatives, officers, and employees who contributed to Chhattisgarh’s progress. He further stated that his family members, including his grandson, were present on this special occasion. He shared his insights on the teachings of Vinoba Bhave, who emphasized the importance of morality and detachment in work. The author has mentioned in the book that India has great personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath, and Ramkrishna Paramhansa who have contributed to shaping our wisdom. Mahatma Gandhi realized the idea of war without arms. Remembering Shri Aurobindo’s contribution, he said that when you work with a detached feeling, you work without malice. People who prioritize morality shy away from wealth. Shri Maa has said that moral people should not shy away from wealth, as such people will use wealth wisely.

The Chief Minister highlighted the abundant resources available in Chhattisgarh, including forests, streams, and mineral resources, but also acknowledged the challenge of poverty in the state. He explained how the government’s policies aimed to ensure the effective utilization of resources while also protecting nature. He mentioned the Narwa scheme, which helped increase water levels, and the Gauthan initiative, which reserved land for rural development and connected livestock with Gauthans. He also discussed other programs, such as Godhan Nyay Yojana, which provided a source of income for people below the poverty line, and initiatives promoting the use of cow dung for paint and energy generation.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that we treated 13000 drains while not letting even one inch be submerged in the land, this is an innovation. We saved every drop and the farmers didn’t even suffer. We conducted a detailed study of the land. We took 13 types of details and worked on water recharging. We neither constructed stop dams anywhere nor worked on sandy soil because it would be of no use. Because of the Narwa scheme, the water level increased from 7 cm to 70 cm. We have reserved 1.5 lakh hectares of land for rural development through Gauthan. We have connected livestock with Gauthan. We also arranged fodder in Gauthans. The 2 years of the Covid pandemic were difficult, but still, Gauthans got organized. The Godhan Nyay Yojana has immensely benefitted people below the poverty line. A definite arrangement for their income was made.  

The Chief Minister said that we have manufactured 50 thousand litres of cow dung paint by establishing 50 units. Painting is being undertaken in government buildings. We are generating electricity from cow dung in Jagdalpur. We are not emitting carbon, we are fighting global warming. Whatever we have taken from nature, we are giving it back. This is also the message of our Vedas. 1 lakh 66 thousand women have received employment through Aare schemes focused on rural development. People are earning through cashew processing. We gave training on preparing brooms in Abujhmadh and women in Chhattisgarh have been supplying them in Delhi for the last three years. Tikhur is a delicious forest produce. No plans to add value to its purchase existed, but we did it. We are promoting millet and millet cafes can be found all across the state. More than 75 thousand tractors have been sold in 4 years. This is a sign of the farmers’ strength. Big changes can be created by following the path of Gandhi and Aurobindo. This is our way.

After the Chief Minister’s speech, former ISRO scientist Dr. T.N. Suresh commended him as a scientific Chief Minister who inspired a scientific consciousness. Dr. Samaresh Ghosh, Director of Shri Aurobindo Yoga and Knowledge Foundation, also praised the Chief Minister’s efforts towards rural development.

It is noteworthy that Sorbonne University occupies a significant position in the global educational scenario. The students who have graduated from this university have received 33 Nobel Prizes. The University has also appreciated Chief Minister Mr. Baghel for the purchase of cow dung under the Godhan Nyay Yojana in Chhattisgarh and the operation of the Narwa, Garwa, Ghurwa, Bari program under the Suraji Gaon Yojana. The researchers and professors of the University are also preparing a research paper on the remarkable work done by the Chief Minister to advance the rural economy, which will be published in the famous research journal of the University.