Chirayu Scheme: Free elbow soft tissue release surgery changes young girl’s life

Helps Seema overcome her decade-long elbow problem

Raipur 24 April . Seema, who had been struggling with right elbow contracture since birth, can now straighten her hand completely like other children thanks to the elbow soft tissue release surgery performed by doctors at the DKS Superspeciality Hospital in Raipur. Her life has been filled with joy and enthusiasm as she was able to undergo the surgery for free under the Chirayu Scheme of the National Child Health Program. She has finally been able to overcome her problem of having a fixed elbow with the hard work of the doctors at the DKS hospital and the proactive efforts of the Chirayu team in Sarangarh.

When the Sarangarh Community Health Center Chirayu team of the newly formed Sarangarh-Bilaigarh district arrived at the Jhilgitar primary school for health examinations, they came face to face with 10-year-old Seema’s decade-long problem. Her right elbow had been turned at a 90-degree angle since birth, making it impossible for her to straighten it. This condition is referred to as contracture of the right elbow or distal arthrogryposis of the right elbow in medical terminology. The Chirayu team encouraged Seema’s family, provided guidance, and referred them to DKS Superspeciality Hospital in Raipur for treatment.

After getting admitted to DKS Hospital, Seema underwent her first surgery or casting on February 16 this year, under the guidance of pediatric orthopedic Dr Raman Srivastava. The cast was opened a few days later to assess its softness. Prior to the operation, casting was done six times. Two months later, on April 11 and 15, Seema underwent surgery for elbow soft tissue release at the pediatric orthopedic department of DKS Hospital.

Generally, such operations incur a high cost in private hospitals. However, Seema’s hand surgery was performed completely free of cost under the Chirayu scheme, which is a part of the National Child Health Program. Following this operation, she will now be able to straighten her hand completely like other children. Seema’s relatives have expressed their gratitude to the state government, health department, and the Chirayu team for all the assistance.