Manendragarh-Chirimiri-Bharatpur : District-level Committee formed for the successful implementation of the Berojgari Bhatta Yojana

Manendragarh-Chirimiri-Bharatpur, 6 April . The Collector of Manendragarh-Chirimiri-Bharatpur has formed a district-level committee for the successful implementation of the Berojgari Bhatta Yojana. The committee will include the Collector, Chairperson, Chief Executive Officer of District Panchayat, Vice Chairperson, Officer In-charge, Employment Officer, and Self-employment Guidance Center District MCB member, Secretary, General Manager of the District Industries and Trade Center, Deputy Director of District Public Relations Office, Lead Bank Manager, Assistant Director of District Skills Development Authority, and Assistant Project Officer of District Project Livelihood College as members.