Raipur: Signature campaign in Swasthya Bhavan to create awareness about TB

Director of Health Services Shri Bhim Singh inaugurated the campaign

Raipur. 28 March . Many activities are being held across the state on World Tuberculosis Day to raise awareness about the disease. The health department and the TB eradication program’s associate organizations are running a number of programs. In this series, Director of Health Services, Mr. Bhim Singh, inaugurated the signature campaign at Swasthya Bhavan in Nava Raipur. He signed the board by swearing an oath to eradicate tuberculosis and make Chhattisgarh TB-free. He urged everyone to join the fight against this worldwide disease and help in its abolition.

Meanwhile, State Tuberculosis Officer, Dr. Dharmendra Gahwai, stated that a campaign to raise awareness of tuberculosis (TB) is being held throughout the state until April 13. Different TB awareness initiatives are being held in all districts. They include oath-taking, miking, street plays, rallies, and the delivery of free nutritious food to TB patients.