Raipur: Workshop on Foldscope: Scientists shared their practical science experiences with students

It is essential to promote scientific thinking among the youth in order to give the country a new direction: Director General Dr. S. Karmkar

Raipur, 02 March . Hands-on training was used to demonstrate the use of Foldscope in a very interesting way during the workshop. Plant cells, animal cell slides, water samples from many sources, products from several chemical reactions, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and many unicellular and bicellular microorganisms were all taught to observe through foldscope, making the workshop highly entertaining. Microscopes are currently restricted to the laboratory only due to their high cost, fragility, and high maintenance. In such a case, information about Origami Microscope – Foldscope was provided in order to alter our perception of life and microorganisms around us. The Foldscope is a low-cost paper microscope inspired by the technique of origami.

On National Science Day, Director General Dr. S. Karmakar remembered the famous Indian scientist Professor Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman and spoke about his remarkable scientific discovery, the Raman effect. He stated that the emergence of scientific thinking among youth provides the country with a fresh path. Dr. Karmakar motivated the students to conduct research for the benefit of humanity. Project director, Dr. Shirish Kumar Singh, stated that the state’s young scientists and students should discover areas of technology where new employment prospects exist, as the state government has begun science and technology initiatives in Naruva, Guruva, Ghuruva, and Bari. By incorporating it, economic research can be given a fresh perspective.

Meanwhile, Scientific Officer Mrs. Pragya Kadam remarked that at present there is a shortage of resources in India. In such a case, such low-cost scientific equipment will pique their scientific curiosity and inspire them to conduct a scientific study. If every child gets a microscope like this, science will no longer be limited to the laboratory and will become part of our daily routine, attracting pupils to scientific education. Best wishes for a great future to all of the students enrolled in the program from Government School Fundhar and Government School Daldal Seoni.