Narayanpur : Five-day Mata Mavli fair ends

Presentation of a program given by Lok Sandhya Raipur
Mavli fair is a symbol of folk culture and traditional faith – MP Mr. Deepak Baij

Narayanpur, 20 February . The historic Mavli Madai, which had been taking place in the district headquarters for the past five days, came to a conclusion. During the closing ceremony, MP Mr. Deepak Baij, MLA Narayanpur, and Chairperson of the Handicrafts Development Board Mr. Chandan Kashyap were present as chief guests. Member of Parliament Mr. Baij stated Mavli Mandai is a representation of regional folk culture and traditional faith that has been conducted for hundreds of years. Apart from the confluence of gods and goddesses, their customary devotion distinguishes this fair, and hence the fair plays an essential role in bonding the local people together. Along with this, he stated that the state government has taken extraordinary measures to conserve and save this culture and folk art from extinction. Centers of primitive traditions such as Devgudi and Ghotul are being revitalized and re-established in these. Aside from that, in the last four years, a new chapter of growth has begun in the Narayanpur area. Be it the improvement of roads in remote places, the increase in paddy procurement centers on support price in the Abujhmad area where paddy was marketed exceptionally well by farmers or the beauty of the headquarters’ Bandhua pond or the Atmanand school in Chhotedongar. There is talk of establishing colleges and ITI centers, and train operations will begin soon till the district under the Rowghat Rail Project. Ultimately, the development of tribal areas, as requested by the Honorable Chief Minister, is given high attention. He also congratulated the people’s representatives and the administration for the well-planned and smooth running of the five-day festival.

Meanwhile, MLA also praised the organizers on the fair’s splendor and administrative arrangements, saying that the peaceful completion of this 5-day fair in Mata Mavli’s holy land is proof of a successful event. Abujhmad is known throughout the country and the world by the name of its great tradition, Kala Sanskritik. Mata Mavli fair is one of Bastar’s oldest fairs, and it is celebrated as a festival. From the first day of the fair until the last day, cultural programs were prepared for the enjoyment of the general public. Which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. He described the fair as a festival that brings all sectors together in unity and participation, and he expressed optimism that the fair’s grandeur and faith will be carried out in the same manner in the future. Together with this, he shed light on the government’s welfare initiatives and efforts to preserve folk cultures. At the end of the ceremony, mementos were given to the chief guests. Along with this, a program was presented in the program by Lok Sandhya Raipur.

On this occasion, District Panchayat President Mrs. Shyambati Netam, Municipality President Mrs. Sunita Manjhi, Vice President of Municipality Mr. Pramod Nailwal, People’s Representative of the area Mr. Rajnu Netam, Additional Superintendent of Police Mr. Hemsagar Sidar, Joint Collector Mr. Pradeep Vaidya, Tehsildar Mr. Sumit Baghel, Municipal Apart from Municipal Officer Mr. Mobin Ali, officers and employees of other departments were present.