Train women and connect them with the multi activity work of Gauthans : Ramkumar Patel

Raipur, 21 January . Ramkumar Patel, President of the Chhattisgarh State Shakambhari Board, attended a state level review meeting of the Horticulture Department. The progress of various Horticulture Department schemes was reviewed. Mr. Patel told that multi-activity projects such as beekeeping, mushroom production, and small nurseries are being carried out in Gauthans. Women’s self-help organisations should be trained and linked to these projects. They will gain employment, become self-sufficient, and their income will rise as a result of these.

Mr. Patel took the most recent information about the construction of Bari during the review of the progress of all the flagship schemes. In addition, a discussion was held on the sale of products obtained from community elders as part of the linkage of various products prepared in Gauthan for consumption in various institutions.He stated that all district level officers should stay informed, work as a team, and dedicate themselves to achieving the set goal. During the meeting, information was obtained about the status of fruit and sapling plantation in Gauthans, the purchase of vermicompost, and the progress of the plan to substitute other crops for paddy, as well as the work done in the field of fence construction.