KORBA, Nov 16 2024, In a heartening tale of dedication and perseverance, a female medical officer, Kanti Ekka, has been instrumental in changing the narrative of rural healthcare in village Nakiya. Despite the crippling power crisis and scarcity of clean water, Ekka has successfully conducted 95 deliveries at the local health center, earning her the admiration of the villagers.
Nakiya, a village in Korba, ironically dubbed the power capital of the state, struggles with erratic power supply, receiving electricity for only a few hours a day. The Sub Health Center, catering to patients from Nakiya, Vimalta, Pendradih, and Rafta, is a lifeline for the community, with people traveling 7-10 kilometers to access basic medical facilities. Ekka’s unwavering commitment and skill have eased the difficulties faced by the villagers.
Notably, 80% of the deliveries conducted by Ekka took place during nighttime, under challenging circumstances. The lack of uninterrupted power supply forces the health center to rely on solar power panels, which provide backup for a mere 2-3 hours. Undeterred, Ekka has performed several deliveries in limited light, prioritizing the safety of both mother and child.
This remarkable story highlights Ekka’s determination and dedication, while also shedding light on the glaring lack of basic facilities in rural areas. The absence of proper power supply at the health center poses a significant risk to patients’ lives, underscoring the need for urgent attention to rural healthcare infrastructure.
Ekka’s selfless service has instilled hope in the community, demonstrating that even in the face of adversity, quality healthcare can be delivered with compassion and commitment. As the state strives to improve rural healthcare, Ekka’s exemplary work serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us that individual efforts can make a profound difference.
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