Animal rescuers demand NIJAAT (rescue) from cruelty against stray dogs

RAIPUR, 12 June . Animal rescue volunteers demand freedom from torturous behaviour for stray dogs. A volunteer said,”Unable to control the crime in Raipur, the Raipur Constabulary at Police Colony in Amlidih, are venting out their frustration on mute, helpless and hungry stray dogs in their residential colonies.

The animal rescuers wish if this cruelty against the mute had shown similar level of alertness, promptness and team spirit to tackle incidents of thefts, drug network, liquor peddling, knifing, gangs of criminals openly prowling on the capital streets with contract killing.

When it comes to defenceless and mute animals, Raipur Constabulary are putting up a collective brave front.
At Amlidih, Suresh Chandra, the maverick President of Police Colony, along with other constables working as a team, have hired untrained individuals to chase, relocate, torture and in worst case kill the stray dogs trying to seek shelter here.
It is also to be mentioned that Forceful relocation of stray dogs is against the ruling of Supreme Court.
It has been known from the reports, that the residents of Amlidih police colony at the behest of their President Suresh Chandra, have hired few men armed with sticks to hurt dogs.

Animal rescue volunteers on reaching the Amlidih Police Colony were misbehaved by Constable Suresh Chandra who chases and hurts stray dogs.
The volunteers wants IPS officer and SSP Raipur, Shri Santosh Singh to intervene into the matter. They protest to get rid (NIJAAT) of such cruel constabulary force using torturous ways of relocating the poor, hungry and mute stray dogs.