Ayushman Card became a lifesaver for little angel Advaita

Raipur, 27 December 2023/ Central Government is making consistent and consolidated efforts to make better healthcare facilities easily accessible to people, especially those in need and are economically weaker. Digendra Kumar’s daughter Advaita was born on 10 May 2023. Digendra Kumar is a resident of village Chhipli of Nagari Vikas block of Dhamtari district. At the time of birth, baby Advaita weighed only 1300 grams and doctors advised to admit her to a special children’s hospital. Doctors informed Digendra that the estimated cost of treatment and medicines can go up to Rs 5 lakh.

But due to his weak financial condition, it was not possible for Digendra to incur such heavy medical expenses. He was worried about arranging such a huge sum of money, when an acquaintance reminded him about the Ayushman Card Scheme of Central Government. Digendra had already got the Ayushman card made in his and his wife’s name. Using his Ayushman Card, Digendra got his daughter Advaita admitted to a private children’s hospital, where her treatment went on for about one and a half months. Now Advaita is home all happy and healthy, much to the relief of her parents. Digendra says he is grateful to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for Ayushman Yojana, as it saved his daughter’s life.