BALCO Medical Centre celebrates ‘Smile 2023’

BALCO Medical Centre (BMC) hosted its annual event ‘Smile 2023’ dedicated to honouring the courage, strength, and survivorship of paediatric cancer patients and survivors. The celebration took place in the
premises of BMC, bringing together over 50 young survivors and their caretakers. The event witnessed various engaging activities planned to create a memorable experience for the children including a game zone, a visit from Santa Claus with surprise gifts, and entertaining dance and singing performances by paediatric cancer survivors and the hospital staff. Post-event refreshment was thoughtfully curated to cater to the preferences of the young attendees.

Adding to the significance of the occasion, a team of nine members from Lions Club, Raipur, generously donated 10 wheelchairs to BMC and organised an engaging puppet show that brought smiles to the faces of the children. Medical Director at BALCO Medical Centre Dr Bhawna Sirohi stressed the importance of forming support groups for cancer patients. She said “Each year, we bring these amazing children together under one roof to advocate that they can lead regular lives, pursue their dreams, and serve as inspirations for other children with cancer”. Speaking to the parents present at the event, Dr
Sirohi further said, “Cancer is both preventable and curable. It is very important to stay positive and optimistic throughout the process of recovery. At BMC, every effort is made to provide the utmost care.”
Senior Consultant in Paediatric Oncology at BALCO Medical Centre Dr Ruchi Aujla expressed her joy in witnessing the patients enjoying the festivities. She stated, “It gives me immense pleasure to invite
you all to ‘Smile 2023’. With Christmas round the corner, what better opportunity than this to spread joy and warmth among our young warriors celebrating their victory and courage. I urge everyone to raise as much awareness as possible, as even today, many kids remain undiagnosed or untreated, leading to
advanced stages.”

Smile 2023 not only served as a celebration of life but also highlighted the resilience and strength of the paediatric cancer survivors. BALCO Medical Centre remains committed to providing holistic care and support to these young warriors, ensuring that they continue to thrive beyond their cancer journeys.