Korea : Women self-help groups earn Rs. 67,000 through goat rearing

Korea, 29 May 2023 .

Women self-help groups earn Rs. 67,000 through goat rearing
Women self-help groups earn Rs. 67,000 through goat rearing

The lives of the women have changed drastically in the months since the inception of Godhan NYAY Yojana and for marginalized households, a source of steady income that is not connected to agriculture can be a lifesaver. Animal husbandry is a traditional business for a rural livelihood that has become a medium of income on a large scale for rural women. Various livelihood-oriented activities are conducted in Katkona Gauthan of Sonhat Block, one of which is goat rearing. Women of Maa Gauri Self-Help Group are engaged in the work of goat rearing since January 2022. Kirti Brijbhan Rajwade, a member of the group, stated that earlier they use to do animal husbandry in their homes, but now in Gauthan, they are getting a chance to work on a large scale, and the benefits are increasing. She added that they began rearing ten female goats and two male goats. They received Rs 35,000 from the CIF fund for livelihood enhancement for this work. The group has sold a total of 22 goats, resulting in a net profit of 67,000 rupees. They are now rearing a total of 60 goats.