Kondagaon: Chipawand resident farmer Chaitu Netam gave a boost to income growth through the cultivation of maize and vegetables along with the advanced farming of paddy

Kondagaon, 29 March . Farmer Chaitu Netam, a resident of Chipawand in Kondagaon block, has encouraged income growth by conducting his ancestral farming with complete dedication and hard work. On meeting farmer Chaitu Netam’s son Jagannath Netam recently in Cooperative Bank, he said that they conduct advanced farming of paddy, maize, and vegetables on the 6 acres of agricultural land of the family. On 2 acres of land, they cultivate pulses like Urad and Kulthi under the Kharif crops. Under Kharif paddy crops, appreciable yield is obtained by the cultivation of varieties like Basmati, Hybrid, and HMT through the plantation method.

On the other hand, under Ragi crops, cultivation of maize and vegetables provide extra income. They have generated an amount of approximately Rs. 70 thousand in the local market through sales this year because of the substantial production of vegetables. Jagannath Netam says that under the Ragi seeds production program last year, they produced 9 quintals of Ragi, which obtained an income of Rs. 45 thousand on selling it to Seed Development Corporation.

Walking on the path of prosperity after reaping the benefits of public welfare schemes

Jagannath Netam said that by benefitting from the various schemes of the government, he has installed two tube wells, which are proving useful in the cultivation of Rabi crops. They are getting the correct price for paddy through paddy purchase at support prices, while through the exchange aid provided under the state government’s Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana, farmers are being encouraged to conduct farming and agriculture. He said that he is selling paddy at support price for the last four years. He sold 110 quintals of paddy in the last year and 114 quintals of paddy at support price this year, and the amount was directly transferred to his bank account. Moreover, the complete installment of the exchange aid amount under the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana was also transferred to his bank account. The 6 adults in the family have made agriculture profitable while working on it harmoniously.

They have purchased a tractor from the income obtained from farming, and are employing modern agricultural equipment in their fields. The 8-membered family of Chaitu Netam has given a new direction to farming and is walking the path of happiness and prosperity. The family is focusing on their children’s studies. Jagannath, while praising the public welfare schemes run by the government in the interests of farmers, has thanked the state government.