CG Millet Carnival : Famous Chef of Nagpur Dr. Nitin Shinde made Millets Phalahar for consumption during fasts

Gave live demonstration of the high-protein recipe of Barnyard Paneer Cutlet with Peanut Chutney

Recommended protein-rich breakfast during fasts

Raipur, 20 February .

Chhattisgarh Millet Carnival
Chhattisgarh Millet Carnival

On the last day of Chhattisgarh Millet Carnival held in Netaji Subhash Stadium in Raipur, Nagpur’s famous Chef Dr. Nitin Shinde gave a live demonstration of making Barnyard Paneer Cutlet with Peanut Chutney, which is ideal for consumption during fasts. He said that while observing fasts, one should prefer protein rich millet dishes over carbohydrate-dense Sabudana, so that they don’t experience fatigue. After preparing the recipe, he served the dish to everyone present on the occasion. People loved the taste of the dish. Additionally, he also taught them the right way of cooking millets while sharing many tips. He also answered the queries of people regarding millets.

 छत्तीसगढ़ मिलेट कार्निवाल

Chef Dr. Nitin Shinde said that millets should always be soaked for 4-5 hours before cooking, so that they cook properly. To elevate the taste and aroma of the millets, they can be sautéed in ghee. He recommended cooking millets on slow flame, so that the their nutritional value is not compromised.

 छत्तीसगढ़ मिलेट कार्निवाल
 छत्तीसगढ़ मिलेट कार्निवाल

It is noteworthy that the three-day long Millet Carnival is being organized under the auspices of Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Association and IIMR Hyderabad. A Millet Food Court has also been set up in this unique Carnival where citizens can experience the delicious taste of millet dishes. The aim of the Millet Carnival is to include millets in the daily diets of people and to create awareness about its nutritional value.